Monday, March 29, 2010
Derma Wand Comparison
I have both the derma wand And zeno. I got the zeno first and then a few months later got the derma wand. The zeno does use heat to kill the bacteria, and the derma wand...I hope I am correct in understanding this, but I apologize in advance if this is not technically correct...the derma wand uses tiny electrical pulses to deliver oxygen into your pores which also kills bacteria. Again, not sure if that is that's exactly right, but it's my best guess based on what I have experienced and read.
Both products, in my opinion, are very effective but I do prefer the derma wand because of its other uses. It has greatly improved the ciculation in my face, helping to provide a nice almost rosy glow. I also find it helps to make the products I use on my face absorb more quickly. Let me know if you have any questions regarding either!
Derma Wand Testimonial
I have not noticed the same firming on my neck, so I am going to spend 3 minutes on my neck alone and see what happens. It's not the moisturizer, since I am using my same one - it's the wand. I am going to try it on cellulite and see what happens.
By Cetanni
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Hello Friends
Welcome to my Derma Wand blog.
I know there are almost 2 million Derma Wand users out there! I am just thrilled that you have found my product a solution to your complexion problems.
I created Derma Wand quite by accident. When I was in my mid 40's, and a single parent raisng a teenage daughter and a 9 year old boy, my life was stessed and I really got down sometimes. My face went down too. Yuck.
I had been working as a cosmetician and knew the remarkable difference a quick treatment of High Frequency would give to my tired and sad looking face. It would give me such a quick face lift.
I started looking for a smaller machine, because my spa unit was too large to take home and bring back. There were no portable units. I asked a friend of mine that was an electronic wizard, if he could look at my spa unit and somehow make it fit into something that I could have at home. Initially the derma wand components were inside of an empty flashlight. So, now that I was using high frequency on my face everyday before I went to work and once at night after work, I started to keep this lifted look for longer periods of time. The more I used it the better things shaped up! I realized that using high frequency in smaller doses regularily was doing more for my saggy skin than a monthly half hour treatment.
Well of course people started to wonder if I had a face lift. Now I was really on to something. Customers started bringing in their old flashlights and having Derma Wand components installed.
Then I decided to give those components a new body. I had about 500 made up, due to the high volume of requests for this lifting device. Other salons were ordering them, and then one fell into the hands of a buyer at the Canadian Shopping Channel. She loved what it did for her skin problems, and found me. Next thing I am on the air and it just went from there.
I think the Derma Wand became so successful, because the bottom line is, IT WORKS.
No matter what the problem is, Derma Wand, just like the commercial high frequency units, delivers oxygenation and super stimulates. It only makes sense that more results will happen, because you are doing more for your skin.
I didn't dream up some concept and put a good story to it. This technology has always been a favoured tool in our Professional Skin Industry. Creams, Serums, Lotions, they are great and hydrate your skin. Some even super exfoliate away dead looking skin. But they are only liquids.
Once you have lines, wrinkles, saggy skin, pitted skin, bags, dull tired looking skin, it is too late for any serum or cream to make a difference. AND WE ALL KNOW IT.
There is always plastic surgery, but the demand for scalpel free and no down time improvements, means you need more than serums. You do need some good skin care, but hydration is the best you can get out of these products no matter how much they cost. I know, I have worked with the absolute best lotions as do most professionals. But we always use that high frequency to make you look fresh, toned, lifted and youthful.
It's not magic, it's pure science. Look at that picture below this blog. YES THAT IS ME AND THAT IS THE ORGINAL PICTURE TAKEN OF MYSELF AFTER USING DERMA WAND FOR 3 MONTHS ON JUST ONE SIDE OF MY FACE. It should be obvious to you which side looks Derma Wanded! I was totally thrilled to see these results.
If you have the Derma Wand and you need some extra tips, let me know. I will answer everyone. Or if you would like to post your Derma Wand experience, please do so. I would love to hear from you.
Until next time
Be Well
God Bless
Derma Wand Does the Job!

Derma Wand does the Job!
An Outside Source Review
Advantages: Improves skin tone and complexion
Disadvantages: Bit hard to find
Most of the ladies reading this will have heard about facial toning machines which work on the muscles of the face to tighten and strengthen them well the Derma Wand is similar but works on the skin instead. It is a condensed version of machines used in salons to help tighten up loose skin and refresh the complexion as well as helping to smooth out fine lines. It is recommended if you use these facial toners to follow up with the Derma Wand to give you an even more youthful appearance.
Derma Wand is a skin treatment device which generates ozone. The ozone is a strong oxidizer, which is beneficial in eradicating bacteria in the skin surface area.
The beneficial effects of ozone on the skin are well established and it has been a conventional practice in beauty salons to provide a ozone producing apparatus for the purpose. Derma Wand is a home version of the units used in salons.
Now you can treat lines, wrinkles and aging skin just like the experts without cosmetic surgery.
The Derma Wand, the breakthrough skin care system that can take one, five, up to 10 years off your skin's appearance in just minutes a day. Based on a skin care technology that's been used with great success for over 50 years in the professional beauty clinics and spas all over the world, Derma Wand condensed it, perfected it and made it available for everyone. Now go from damaged and blotchy to healthy, beautiful and more even.
The secret is a gentle high frequency pulse that stimulates the skin at an incredible 100,000 cycles per second bringing blood and nutrients to thesurface.
At the same time, the Derma Wand is producing enriched oxygen, one of nature's most powerful cleaning sources to exfoliate, oxygenate and purify your skin. You'll experience a pleasant smell like after a fresh rainstorm plus you'll feel and see the Derma Wand working wonders on your skin.
I first came across the Derma Wand when watching a television shopping channel and thought it sounded pretty good so sent for one to try out. On opening the parcel I found a little black leather case containing the Derma Wand along with an instruction leaflet. The wand itself is around six inches long and has a bulb at one end and a dial at the other which goes from 0 to 8 indicating the strength of the pulses to be emitted. When in use the bulb lights up red. The instruction booklet tells you to remove the dust cap from the bulb (doh!) and use on cleansed, dry skin. It is advised to try the wand out on your hand first to experience the tingling sensation it gives out. It isn't at all painful but is rather strange until you get used to it. When you first use the Derma Wand use it on the lowest setting of 1 for a few days until you no longer feel the intensity of the stimuli and then gradually build up to the setting you feel most comfortable with. Even at the lowest setting the Derma Wand is effective and is suitable for even the most sensitive skin.
Use on clean dry skin gently sweeping over the face in either circular movements or backwards and forwards whatever you prefer. This just helps to make sure the skin is properly cleansed and only takes a couple of minutes. Apply your usual moisturiser and repeat the process of sweeping the wand over your face and neck. It is not necessary to apply any pressure just let the wand touch your skin lightly. This helps your moisturiser to really sink into the skin. This should be done in the morning and at night for the first few days and then just as often as you want to use it after that. I use mine everyday as I enjoy the tingling sensation on my skin and also the fresh smell of ozone.
I have been using the Derma Wand everyday for several years now and have seen a noteable improvement in my complexion as well as skin tone. Even my husband noticed my skin was looking a lot better and he never usually notices anything like that! It is also useful for drying out spots.Using the wand you dab at the blemish by lifting the tip of the wand off the skin slightly. This will tingle a bit but is not painful. If this is done 3 or 4 times a day you will find the spot dries out much quicker than when left to it's own devices. I also feel it has helped with my fine lines, although not getting rid of them, they do look slightly more smoothed out and certainly haven't got any worse during the time I've been using the Derma Wand. After I've done the cleansing bit with the wand I then use it to exercise my face. Starting on the outside corner of my eyebrow I gently lift the skin with the wand and hold for 5 seconds then move onto the middle and outside corner in turn holding again for 5 seconds. I continue using the same method on my forehead, chin and jowls. Lastly I turn the Derma Wand down to 1 to use it on the delicate eye area. I place the wand on my browbone above the eye and gently lift the skin again for a count of 5 seconds in the inner, outer and middle of the brow and then move down to the under eye area. Gently sweeping from the inner eye area to the outside and holding for 5 seconds. Repeating these exercises a few times I have found it helps with puffy eyes and loose skin and even my fine lines look more smoothed.
Since I have been using Derma Wand my skin has definitely improved and a lot of people tell me I don't look my age in fact just the other day someone thought I was my 29 year old daughters sister so that really made my day! I feel the Derma Wand has a lot to do with this so I would not hesitate to recommend it if your skin could do with a pick me up. I originally bought mine from Ideal World for £49.00 around 5 years ago but I have seen them on ebay for around the £35.00 mark so do shop around. They are a bit difficult to find but well worth the effort and when you consider what we girls pay for various creams and potions the Derma Wand is a sound investment.
Thank you for reading
manlybeach 2009
Summary: Improves complexion
About the author: Hi I have been on ciao for a while and decided to come over here too. I will always return a rate but if I do forget please let me know and I'll put it right asap
I am married with two grown up children and worked as a home help for nearly 20 years. I had to give up work due to bad health and now enjoy being able to take things easier for the first time in my life. I can't get out and about as much as I used to so the computor has become a useful tool to me for shoppping and generally filling in time.